My teacher had suggested that I join this competition sometime in May,2014. As PSLE was not too close yet, I took up the challenge, I did not really know what to write when I first got on the website. As the 60 minutes I had became 45, my mind was still blank. The theme I was given was "build". Finally, I got an idea and typed and typed... I had seen the submitted entries from past years and also the winner's entry. After typing mine and comparing it to the entry by the winner in 2013 and 2012, I felt very discouraged as mine seemed very inferior to the other entries. As the clock ticked down from 45 minutes to 20, I just stared at the screen, contemplating dropping the idea of submitting my entry altogether But then I got a sudden sense of motivation and besides, there seemed to be no harm trying. I submitted my entry and got the good news a few weeks later around June that my entry had been longlisted then shortlisted. They even invited all authors of shortlisted entries to the prize presentation ceremony. They then proceeded to read out the winners, the first(7 and 8-year-olds) and second(9 and 10-year-olds) categories went by in a blur. Then, the MC announced the results of the third category, the category I was in. To my utmost shock, I actually got runner-up for my category! To be honest, I never actually thought I would make it this far, let alone get runner-up. We were all given a book which, to this day, I still hold very closely to me.

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